Effects of landscape-scale factors (i.e., geology, land cover, climate) on stream habitat and organisms
River catchment hydrology and stream channel geomorphology
Ecological assessment
Sustainable management of aquatic systems
Interim Director. Institute of Water Research, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2020 to present.
Professor. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. 2020 to present, Partnership for Ecosystem Research and Management (PERM) Faculty Member, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Division*.
Assistant Director. AgBioResearch, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2019 to present.
Associate Chair of Research. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. 2018 to 2019.
Associate Professor. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. 2013 to 2020, Partnership for Ecosystem Research and Management (PERM) Faculty Member, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Division*.
Assistant Professor. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. 2007 to 2013, Partnership for Ecosystem Research and Management (PERM) Faculty Member, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Division*.
Doctor of Philosophy. 2005. Resource Ecology and Management, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Master of Science. 2001. Resource Ecology and Management, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Bachelor of Science. 1994. Scientific Writing, College of Literature, Science, and Arts, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Hughes, R., M., D. M. Infante, L. Wang, K. Chen, and B. Terra, editors. 2019. Advances in Understanding Landscape Influences on Freshwater Habitats and Biological Assemblages. American Fisheries Society, Issue 90, Bethesda, Maryland.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, D. R. DeVries, C. Paola Ferreri, M. J. Fogarty, K. J. Hartman, D. M. Infante, M. T. Kinnison, S. A. Levin, R. T. Melstrom, R. M. Newman, M. L. Pinsky, D. I. Rubenstein, S. M. P. Sullivan, P. A. Venturelli, M. J. Weber, M. R. Wuellner, and G. B. Zydlewski. Accepted. Stepping up: A U.S. perspective of the ten steps to responsible inland fisheries. Fisheries.
Cooke, S. J., E. Nyboer, A. Bennett, A. J. Lynch, D. M. Infante, I. G. Cowx, T. D. Beard, Jr., D. Bartley, C. P. Paukert, A. J. Reid, S. Funge-Smith, E. Gondwe, E. Kaunda, J. D. Koehn, N. J. Souter, G. L. Stokes, L. Castello, N. J. Leonard, C. Skov, S. Berg, and W. W. Taylor. 2021. The ten steps to responsible Inland fisheries in practice: Reflections from diverse regional case studies around the globe. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 31:843-877. DOI: 10.1007/s11160-021-09664-w.
Xiong, F., J. Olden, Y. Lu, H. Liu, X. Qu, W. Xia, C. Guo, X. Wu, D. M. Infante, L. Wang, and Y. Chen. 2021. Riparian land use and in-channel stressors drive fish community structure in the Yangtze River. Landscape Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-021-01278-8.
Cooper, A. R., D. M. Infante, J. R. O’Hanley, H. Yu, T. M. Neeson, and K. J. Brumm. 2021. Science of the Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148317.
Hein, T., D. M. Infante, R. Schinegger, J. Schoelynck, and G. Weigelhofer. 2021. Editorial: Challenges and innovative solutions in river sciences. Frontiers in Environmental Science. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.655473
Tsang, Y. P., D. M. Infante, L. Wang, D. Krueger, and D. Wieferich. 2021. Conserving freshwater fishes with changing climate: An approach for assessing stream fish responses to climate-induced habitat changes over a large region. Science of the Total Environment 755:14253. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142503
Frauendorf, T. C., R. A. MacKenzie, R. W. Tingley III, D. M. Infante, and R. W. El-Savaawi. 2020. Using a space-for-time substitution approach to predict the effects of climate change on nutrient cycling in tropical island stream ecosystems. Limnology and Oceanography 2020:1-14. DOI: 10.1002/lno.11577
King, K., M. Bremigan, D. M. Infante, and K. Spence Cheruvelil. Surface water connectivity affects lake and stream fish species richness and composition. 2020. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2020-0090
Yu, H., A. Cooper, and D. M. Infante. 2020. Improving species distribution model predictive accuracy using species abundance: Application with boosted regression trees. Ecological Modeling 432:109202. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2020.109202
Carlson A., W. W. Taylor, and D. M. Infante. 2020. Modeling effects of climate change on Michigan brown trout and rainbow trout: Precipitation and groundwater as key predictors. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 29:433-449. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12525
Tsang, Y. P., R. W. Tingley, J. Hsiao, and D. M. Infante. 2019. Identifying high value areas for conservation: Accounting for connections among terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats in a tropical island system. Journal for Nature Conservation 50:125711. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2019.125711
Pracheil, B. M., R. McManamay, E. S. Parish, S. L. Curd, B. T. Smith, C. R. DeRolph, A. M. Witt, S. Ames, M. B. Day, W. Graf, D. M. Infante, D. McCoskey, K. Rugani, C. Vezina, T. Welch, A. West. 2019. A checklist of river function indicators for hydropower ecological assessment. Science of the Total Environment 687:1245-1260. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.049
Carlson, A., W. W. Taylor, and D. M. Infante. 2019. Developing precipitation- and groundwater-corrected stream temperature models to improve management of brook charr amid climate change. Hydrobiologia 840:379-398. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-019-03989-1
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, M. T. Kinnison, S. Mažeika, P. Sullivan, M. J. Weber, R. T. Melstrom, P. A. Venturelli, M. R. Wuellner, R. M. Newman, K. J. Hartman, G. B. Zydlewski, D. R. DeVries, S. M. Gray, D. M. Infante, M. A. Pegg, and R. M. Harrell. 2019. Threats to freshwater fisheries in the United States: Perspectives of state fisheries administrators and Agricultural Experiment Station directors. Fisheries 44:276-287. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10238
Clilverd, H. M., Y. P. Tsang, D. M. Infante, A. J. Lynch, A. M. Strauch. 2019. Long-term streamflow trends in Hawai’i and implications for native stream fauna. Hydrological Processes. Hydrological Processes 33:1-21. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13356
Colvin, S. A. R., S. M. P. Sullivan, P. D. Shirey, R. W. Colvin, K. O. Winemiller R. M. Hughes, K. D. Fausch, D. M. Infante, J. Olden, K. R. Bestgen, R. J. Danehy, L. Eby. 2019. Headwater streams and wetlands are critical for sustaining fish, fisheries, and ecosystem services. Fisheries 44:73-91. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10229
Cooper, A. R., Y. P. Tsang, D. M. Infante, W. M. Daniel, A. J. McKerrow, and D. Wieferich. 2019. Protected areas lacking for many common fluvial fishes of the conterminous USA. Diversity and Distributions 2019:1-15. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12937
Ross, J. A., D. M. Infante, D. J. Martin, and M. Rey. 2019. Effects of riparian timber harvest on southeast Alaska stream habitat after 30-40 years: Insights for management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:328-342. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10270